Saturday, 4 June 2011

How to increase my processor speed?

apart from overclocking,change to a better,faster running on amd turion 64 mobile mk36...2.0,changing processor is not an option....any suggestion?|||You can%26#039;t really increase your processor speed without overclocking it. What you can do is:

1) Add more memory - This is probably the single biggest thing you can do to speed up a slow computer. Unless you have at least 1Gb of ram, you could use more.

2) Eliminate unnecessary programs that are running in the background. Many programs, when installed, set themselves up to be run at start-up. Removing the unnecessary ones (using msconfig) can significantly speed up your computer.

3) Clean up temporary files and defrag your hard drive. Both of which can help speed up your computer by making slow disk I/O operations a little quicker.

Other than that, you just need a faster processor if you want a faster computer.|||the only thing I can think of is to increase RAM, but first check what%26#039;s the maximum that u%26#039;r computer can hold so as not to buy unnecessary RAM that u can%26#039;t use