Saturday, 24 September 2011

I want to upgrade my netbooks overall performance.?

I was hoping somebody could help me out, I wanted to buy a 4 gig of ram to speed it up but I'm not sure if I should change the processor as well. I was also hoping if anyone out there knew how far I can take this net book of mine. As for specs on my net book it is a Asus Eee PC T91MT with a Intel (R) Atom (TM) CPU Z520 @ 1.33 ghz and 1 gig of RAM and a multi-touch feature with the tablet PC feature so its no ordinary net book. It only has 32 Gigs of space Running on Windows 7 on a 32-bit Operating system. I was hoping someone could tell me if any of these could be upgraded to a better faster part to be replaced with and if there's anything else I should upgrade. I would do it myself but I'm not to familiar with the limitations of net books, sorry for the long question and I thank you for taking the time in answering me. I usually use to buy all my electronics so if what I need is there it would be much appreciated thank you all.
I want to upgrade my netbooks overall performance.?
1) You can't upgrade the processor. It's an Atom.

2) I'm pretty sure 2GBs of RAM is the max.

If you want a fast computer, then you shouldn't be using a netbook. Netbooks aren't made for performance, only portability.
I want to upgrade my netbooks overall performance.?
for what it would cost you tom upgrade it you could buy a decent laptop