i have some questions and i need professional's answers...
1st. if i want to change my processor for a better one do i have to change my whole mother board and if not is there any other things i have to take care of to make sure the new processor works fine ; like the other devices %26quot; RAM ... ETC %26quot; ?
2nd. what should i do to be able to use the other kind of video cards %26quot;not AGP the other ones%26quot; in my mother-board
3rd. how do i know how much RAM my PC or processor supports ...
i have right now 1.80 ghz intel pentium 4 and in my mother-board i have DDR2 ram with 3 slots, i use in 1st slot 512 ram and in 3rd slot 256 ram and the 2nd slot is free... my video card is AGP ATI HD 2600 XT ....
plz answer me when u r sure :D
Several PC questions .... plz answers from professionals?
The motherboard must have the same CPU slot, ie. AM2, otherwise you will need a new motherboard.