I have a core2duo CPU and I was wondering whether I can upgrade to quad core and how? I usually use it to play games like need for speed etc. My CPU specs are:
2gb RAM
Motherboard:Asus P5KPL
If I can do it, how can I do it? Do I just buy a quad core processor and jus change it?
And also which do you recommend? quad core or core2extreme?
Can I upgrade my core2duo CPU to quad core and how?
the ASUS website says that the mobo supports new 45nm prcessors so it should support the new core 2 quad. but maybe u need a BIOS upgrade to do that... check the website for more details.
abt core2quad and core2extreme...
core 2 extreme are actually high end versions of core 2 duos and core 2 quads. in my opinion a quad core core 2 extreme is the best...
Can I upgrade my core2duo CPU to quad core and how?
go to a person who knows the parts and then ask them to install the processor..... i prefer to install the quad
Your motherboard does support both Quad core and extreme, just take it to an expert........
before you do make sure your mobo will take it as an upgrade or your up for a new mobo as well, chek asus site for mobo and was cpu's it supports
If your MB supports it, it is really a matter of remvoing the heat sink %26amp; old cpu plug in the new cpu and put new fan/heatsink on the CPU.
Just be careful of static electricity. touch the case and keep touching it while handling the new CPU.
Remove the old fan IMMEDIATELY after turning off hte machine after it's been on a few minutes. It will make removal easer. Once cool, the old heat-sink compound will probably %26quot;harden%26quot; and %26quot;cement%26quot; the heatsink to the CPU... While it's warm, it softens a little, making it easier to remove.
hi there no u cant just install u must change ur MB to DQ2%26amp;quad that support quad processors from intel cause ur mother bord cant handle that power of processor it will shut down ur pc when you lunch any new game that need to much VGA power
Yup! Any day!
Hi there, the ASUS P5KPL supports core 2 quad so its just a matter of taking the old cpu off and installing the new one.
Uninstall the h/s and fan quickly so the thermal paste wont stick, then install the new cpu and put the fan back on.
I think you need to apply thermal paste every time you take the cpu apart from the heatsink.