How can i change the clock speed on my computer?
So you are saying you want to OVERclock your computer?
Well you can't with a Dell, they don't allow overclocking. Even if it were possible, an optiplex has no airflow and would fry.
Get a real motherboard, real case, and then try.
How can i change the clock speed on my computer?
Well,I've been in the computers field for the past 10 years, but i never hear a case like yours. The only way to change the clock speed of your computer is to change your processor. You cannot change the clock speed of your processor. How ever you can re-program your processor using low level debugging softwares and Microsoft Assembly Language, but you need to be an expert in computer architechture. Even then you cannot change your processor's clock speed.
You can do it, however is very dangerous. The processor is designed to work at one speed, and if you overclock that speed its expected life will be shorter because of the heating irradiated. Before change the clocking i will suggest to get a new special cooling fan and replace the original.Then you can play with it going to the bios and changing the clock.