Wednesday 26 October 2011

I have a hp pavilian a705w and i know i am an advid computer user is ther a way to up grade the cpu?

i knwo there is soem how with out buying a new board but is there a way to up grae the cpu in my machiene with out cnaging any jumper sttings or will i have to change the settings the board is on a celleron with 3.08 ghz on the clock but i what to put a dual core in this thing is there a prosessor i can put in it bc i dont think the voltages and and core voltages can be changed i have a 250 watt poer suply and 768 megs of ram but i whant to up grade the processor with out changing the board can any one help me ? the buss is 533mhx and the L2 catch is 256 k
I have a hp pavilian a705w and i know i am an advid computer user is ther a way to up grade the cpu?
The fastest processor your computer supports is an Intel P4 3.06GHz 533MHz 478pin 512K Northwood CPU w/Hyper-threading OEM. Costs about $250 from, don't know if it's cheaper elsewhere.